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What is Page CTR in adsense?

Page CTR in Googlele Adsense

Today I am going to talk about what is page CTR. A basically Adsense CTR is a measurement ratio of click through rate. You could know adsense CTR by simpally calculating click through rate formula.lets understand in detail What is page  ctr?
what is page CTR in adsense

average click through rate

This is forumla of average click through rate. this is important for everyone. Even publisher and advertisier. Everyone need to know adsense page CTR. You should know cost per clicks.

click through rate formula

Here is the click through rate formula of adsense. The page clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of page views.

Page CTR = Clicks / Page views

For example, if you received 2 clicks for 250 page views, your page CTR would be .8%. (2/250=.8%)

Now talk about cost per click(CPC). some people have doubts about Pay per click(CPC). If you will get more click that doesn't mean you will get high revenue.If you target on ads than even you get few clicks you could earn more than 100 clicks.

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